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Welcome to the Green Room! Thespis In The Green Room is a podcast from the Upstate of South Carolina covering local, national, and international topics in theatre, performing arts, and the business of show.

Jul 30, 2020

S2 Ep05 2020-7-30 Thespis Hosts A Roundtable Discussion On Race in Theatre

Part 1

Bruce and Melanie host a roundtable discussion on race inside (and outside) the theatre industry in this two-part double episode. With guests LeRoy Kennedy, Vaughn D. Newman Jr., Clark E. Nesbitt, and Roderice Cardell aka THEMADDDARTIST.

Jul 30, 2020

S2 Ep05 2020-7-30 Thespis Hosts A Roundtable Discussion On Race in Theatre

Part 2

Bruce and Melanie host a roundtable discussion on race inside (and outside) the theatre industry in this two-part double episode. With guests LeRoy Kennedy, Vaughn D. Newman Jr., Clark E. Nesbitt, and Roderice Cardell aka THEMADDDARTIST.